Psych: Well Anthony how do you know Jehovah is disgusted by people wearing tight pants?
AM#3: Well doc it is like this, I'm one of the Governing Body of Jehovah's earthly Organization. That puts me in a special relationship with Jehovah I'm one of the Faithful and Discreet Slave class so that gives me more insight than the average person into what ticks Jehovah off. So let's just say I know because I've made it to the top of Jehovah's earthly organization and so I just know these things because of my position in the organization. And what I say goes. The regular Jehovah Witness must not question what the Governing Body have decreed because I'm one of the special group to rule for 1000 over the earth, this automatically makes me, alright I will humbly admit it pretty reliable when it comes to knowing how Jehovah feels about things even fashions that God's people might wear in his presents at the Kingdom Hall or assemblies.